Natural Hazards Tephra Fallout Lab
04 Mar 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Leah Michelle Courtland
This lab walks students through using the tephra2 education graphical user interface (gui) to investigate tephra fallout at Colima volcano. By the end of this lab, students should be able to:•understand that every volcanic event is different and so produces a unique deposit•convert from units of...
21 Dec 2016 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Jose Brenes
Hello everyoneFall3D latest version has been implemented on our 540 core supercomputer to calculate how much and where ash would fall. Daily wind data is automatically fetched from USA National Weather Service, ´NASA DEM is used for...
Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates
17 Dec 2016 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi
This document presents the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates. I have searched on the web for something similar (and I have seen that a lot of other people search for the steps of such a derivation), but I have been unsuccessful. For this reason I have thought...
Website about the Montserrat volcano and its eruptions since 1995
01 Mar 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Bob Thompson
This strictly educational website montserratvolcano.org is NOTHING AT ALL TO DO with the official website of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory. I started it in 2007/8 as somewhere the island residents could go to, if they wanted more detail, many more pictures and a much more "chatty" style of...
TITAN2D References
22 Jan 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Sarah Elizabeth Ogburn
Contains a list of references about TITAN2D, specifically a list of volcanoes and types of flows for which it has been used.
Titan2d user manual (spanish)
28 Jan 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Michael Sheridan
This is a translation of the Titan2D user manual by Teresita del Pilar Argoty.
Bubbles in Magmas
22 Feb 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Chuck ConnorPeter LaFeminaC. Connor, P. LaFemina, Spreadsheets across the Curriculum: The Physical Volcanology Collection.
Conduit Flow Conditions
22 Feb 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Chuck ConnorPeter LaFeminaC. Connor, P. LaFemina, Spreadsheets across the Curriculum: The Physical Volcanology Collection.
Debris Flow Volume
22 Feb 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Chuck ConnorPeter LaFeminaC. Connor, P. LaFemina, Spreadsheets across the Curriculum: The Physical Volcanology Collection.
Eruption Magnitude and Deposit Volume
22 Feb 2011 | Educational Materials | Contributor(s): Chuck B Connor, Leah Michelle Courtland
Chuck ConnorPeter LaFeminaC. Connor, P. LaFemina, Spreadsheets across the Curriculum: The Physical Volcanology Collection.