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  • Created 16 Jan 2014

Workshop Description

The Tephra 2014 Workshop was convened 3-7 August, 2014, to discuss major developments, best practices, and future directions/needs in tephra studies from both volcanological and tephrochronological perspectives. By bringing together an international group of over 70 scientists with a variety of backgrounds who study tephra for different purposes, our hope was to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and data sharing. To provide training, the workshop also incorporated hands-on sessions on optimal sample collection and treatment, dispersal modeling, and the use of databases. Volcanologists, tephrochronologists, archaeologists, paleoclimatologists, paleoecologists, paleolimnologists, petrologists, geochronologists, tectonophysicists, Quaternary scientists, atmospheric scientists, data managers, and others who work with tephra were represented.

During a day-long field trip, and three days of presentation and discussion, tephra scientists discussed challenges, opportunities and solutions in studies ranging from physical volcanology to archeology. A consensus-seeking session was held at the end of the meeting, in which the current state of the science and emergent issues were raised. Most of the discussion in the session revolved around formulating common best practices among the different scientific communities and establishing common data archiving and retrieval mechanisms. Best practices were discussed in terms of sample collection and laboratory treatment. It was felt that a starting point for ensuring some uniformity in collection and laboratory work was to develop data sheets or templates, in addition to a consensus document. Such data sheets would be constructed in such a way to allow scientists who might not be expert in one field to nevertheless collect and analyze data that would be of importance to scientists in another field. With respect to data archiving and retrieval, the discussion revolved in large part around databases, what is currently available, their use, and development of common standards for submission and data format.

Field Trip


Scientific Presentations

Most of the meeting consisted of scientific talks and discussion. Links to these can be found here:

Presentation and Discussion Videos

Group Presentations

On Thursday, 10:30—11:30, we broke up into working groups. Members of separate groups were chosen to ensure a mix of disciplines within each group. The organizers asked that each group consider preliminary questions that had been formulated, prioritize them, and discuss what to them are the three most important questions. In discussing the three most important questions, each group considered the challenges and opportunities represented, and possible solutions or paths forward. After this, from 11:30—12:00, we reconvened. Each group gave a brief presentation about their prioritized list, the three most important questions, and their proposed responses. The group presentations can be found here:

Working Group Presentations

The Original List of Questions

Questions to Address During the Workshop

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