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  • Created 04 Dec 2013

Creating, maintaining and using large volcanic databases to advance volcanology

Version 2
by (unknown)
Version 3
by (unknown)

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Creating, maintaining and using large volcanic databases to advance volcanology
'''Creating, maintaining and using large volcanic databases to advance volcanology'''
3 Convener: Sarah Brown, Co-Conveners: Natalia Deligne , Gill Jolly , Sarah Brown , Christina Widiwijayanti
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Session description to follow.
‘Big data’ is an emergent issue in volcanology. Efforts are underway around the world to develop and maintain local, regional, and global databases of research and monitoring data on subjects ranging from chemical compositions, monitoring data and instrumentation, to individual phenomena and eruption characteristics. The design and development of these databases needs to follow systematic and sustainable international standards; it is critical that these databases are cross-referenced with common backbone (e.g., SI ID) that are accessible and searchable by all other databases. To promote transparency and collaboration, it is imperative these databases are open access, both to other institutions and earth scientists and the public. We seek contributions describing available databases, insights on database design, and research undertaken with these rich new resources. This session will showcase the utility and importance of curating and using large volcanological datasets.
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