Events: Details

2012 El Hierro Conference

Category: Conference
Description: 1st Anniversary Conference of the 2011-2012 submarine eruption off the coast of El Hierro. The 2012 El Hierro Conference is an international workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society for commemorating the 1st anniversary of the 2011-2012 submarine eruption off the coast of El Hierro, and one of the three international volcano workshops co-organized by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, ITER (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), the Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde (LEC), the Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), and the Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC) from Cape Verde under the framework of the project “MAKAVOL: Strengthening the capacities of R+D+I+d to contribute reducing volcanic risk in the Macaronesia (MAC/3/C161)” co-financed by EU Transnational Cooperation Program Madeira-Canarias-Azores (MAC 2007-2013). Several other institutions and organizations such as the Cabildo Insular de El Hierro, Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica (IAG), Observatório Vulcanológico de Cabo Verde (OVCV), Observatório Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Açores (OVGA), University of La Laguna (ULL), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), SEGITTUR (Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Government of Spain) and Spanish Volcanological Society (SVE) are planning to collaborate with the 1st Anniversary Conference of the 2011-2012 submarine eruption off the coast of El Hierro Scientific and technical discussions will be mainly related to volcanic risk management on oceanic and active island volcanoes as well as to enhance know-how exchange to understand and improve the multi-disciplinary initiatives for reducing volcanic risk in islands. A special session of this workshop will be related to the 2011-12 submarine eruption off the southern coast of El Hierro and its impact on the island community. The 2012 El Hierro Conference will be also an ideal forum to discuss about the plus side of living in active volcanoes since the short-term hazards posed by volcanoes are strongly balanced by benefits of volcanism over geologic time (volcano tourism, geothermal enery, balneology, etc.). How to get to El Hierro, Canary Islands (Spain): Daily fl ights to El Hierro island (278Km2) are available from the international airports of Tenerife and Gran Canaria (Canary Islands; Spain) which are situated only 2-4 hours from most European cities major airports. The drive from El Hierro airport to La Restinga village and the town of El Pinar takes 40-50 minutes. Scientific Program: The scientific program covers a broad variety of aspects related to volcanic risk management at oceanic island volcanoes and also several issues about the plus side of living on active volcanoes. Main topics that will be included are: • island and submarine volcanism • volcano monitoring • volcanic island hazards • volcanic island emergency plans • education and outreach for reducing volcanic risk • communication & volcanic risk management • volcano island ecosystems • volcano tourism and geoparks • volcanic islands, energy & water resources • the 2011-2012 El Hierro submarine eruption Field Trips: Three scientific excursions are planned • One day intra meeting field trip to visit several major volcanological features of El Hierro Island. • One day intra meeting field trip to visit El Hierro submarine volcanic environment • Two-day post-conference field trip on “Canary Islands’ large gravitational landslides and related tsunamis” which will be led by Mercedes Ferrer (IGME), Luis Gonzalez de Vallejo (INVOLCAN), Juan Jesús Coello Bravo (INVOLCAN), José Madeira (University of Lisboa) and Cesar Andrade (University of Lisboa).
When: Wednesday 10 October, 2012 12:00 pm EDT - Monday 15 October, 2012 9:00 pm EDT
Where: El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain
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