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Stephen C Kuehn

  • Extended Profile
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    Concord University
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  • Biography
    = Position and Affiliation = Research Assistant Professor[[BR]]Manager, Electron Microprobe Laboratory[[BR]]Department of Physical Science[[BR]]Concord University [[BR]]Athens, WV 24712 = Teaching = GEOL 101 - Earth Processes and Environment [[BR]]GEOL 375 - Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Petrology [[BR]]GEOL/CHEM/PHYS 420 - Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis = Research = Tephrochronology * especially the Cascades and Alaska * e.g. Summer Lake, OR; Glacier Peak, WA; Mt. St. Helens, WA; Newberry Volcano, OR Pyroclastic volcanology * especially field-based studies of both proximal and distal deposits * e.g. Newberry Volcano Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) * manage and operate one of the very few fully-operational, research-grade electron microprobes located at an undergraduate university - four WDS spectrometers and a recently installed (2012) 30mm2 SDD EDS spectrometer with extensive software (including automated particle analysis) * http://academics.concord.edu/microanalysis/ = Recent Publications = Kuehn, S.C., Froese, D.G., and Shane, P.A.R., 2011, The INTAV intercomparison of electron-beam microanalysis of glass by tephrochronology laboratories, results and recommendations: Quaternary International. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.08.022 Kuehn, S.C. and Froese, D.G., 2010, Tephra from ice – A simple method to routinely mount, polish, and quantitatively analyze sparse fine particles: Microscopy and Microanalysis 16, 218-225 doi:10.1017/S1431927609991322 Kuehn, S.C. and Negrini, R.N., 2010, A 250,000-year record of Cascade Range pyroclastic volcanism from late Pleistocene lacustrine sediments near Summer Lake, Oregon, USA: Geosphere 6(4), 397 doi:10.1130/GES00515.1 Lacelle, D., St-Jean, M., Lauriol, B., Clark, I.D., Froese, D., Kuehn, S.C., Zazula, G., and Lewkowicz, A., 2009, Burial history of a relict perennial snowbank body and vegetation by the Dawson tephra (25,300 14C years BP) near Red Creek, Ogilvie Mountains, central Yukon, Canada: Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (27–28), 3401–3413 doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.09.013 Kuehn, S.C., Froese, D.G. Carrara. P.E., Foit, F.F., Pearce, N.J., and Rotheisler, P., 2009, The latest Pleistocene Glacier Peak tephra set revisited and revised: major- and trace-element characterization, distribution, and a new chronology in western North America: Quaternary Research 71, 201–216 doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2008.11.003 Kuehn, S.C. and Foit, F.F., 2006, Correlation of widespread Holocene and Pleistocene tephra layers from Newberry Volcano, Oregon, using glass compositions and numerical methods: Quaternary International 148 (1), 113-137 doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2005.11.008 See personal website for supplemental files related to the above publications = Selected Conference Presentations = Kuehn, S.C., 2012, Secondary standards and sodium-loss - results from a large interlaboratory comparison using four natural volcanic glasses: Microanalytical Reference Materials 2012, a topical conference of the Microanalysis Society, May 15-17, Golden, Colorado. Kuehn, S.C, Froese, D.G., and Shane, P, 2011, Assessing microanalytical performance using secondary standards: Results of an electron probe interlaboratory comparison using four natural volcanic glasses. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011, Nashville, TN. Kuehn, S.C, Froese, D.G., Shane, P, Davies, S, and Alloway, B, 2010, The INTAV intercomparison of tephrochonology laboratories: International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology, Volcanism and Human Activity, Kirishima, Japan. Froese, D.G., Kuehn, S.C, Fisher, D., Zdanowicz, C, Atkins, C, Dunning, H, and Jensen, B, 2010, Establishing independent age models for ice cores using tephrochronology: International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology, Volcanism and Human Activity, Kirishima, Japan. Kuehn, S.C., Froese, D.G., Pearce, N.J.G., and Foit, F.F., 2009, ID3506, a New/Old Lipari Obsidian Standard for Characterization of Natural Glasses and Tephrochronology: Eos Transactions of the AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V31E-2010. Schupack, B.B., Miller, G.H., Kuehn, S.C., 2009, Pushing the Limits of Volcanic Cryptotephra Detection in the High Arctic, Spitsbergen, Svalbard: GSA Abstracts with Programs, V. 41, No. 7, Abstract No. 159929. Kuehn, S.C., Preppernau, C., 2005, Pumice Flat tephra of Newberry volcano, Oregon: A mixed-magma Plinian eruption: GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 37, No. 4. Kuehn, S.C., 2003, Plinian Newberry pumice and related eruptions of Newberry volcano, central Oregon, USA: Eos Transactions of the AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V42B-0354.