
Solene Pouget

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    University at Buffalo, SUNY (UB)
  • Residency
    (not set)
  • Website
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  • Interests
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  • Address
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  • Biography


    2011-2014       Ph.D candidate, at the University at Buffalo, USA. Dissertation: Estimation of eruption source parameters from umbrella clouds, downwind plumes and tephra deposits. Thesis Advisor: Dr Greg Valentine, Research Advisor: Dr Marcus Bursik, Committee Members: Dr Galina Rogova, Dr Abani Patra, Dr Joaquín Cortés, External readers: Dr Steve Sparks, Dr Andrew Woods, Dr Peter Webley, Dr Margaret Mangan. Defended in July 2014.

    2008-2010       Diploma of Geological Engineer, at LaSalle-Beauvais Institute, France (equivalent to a Master’s degree).

    2008-2010       Master of Science  in Hazard and Disaster Management with distinction, at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Dissertation: Statistics and modelling of the influence of the volume, fall height and topography on volcanic debris avalanche deposits. Advisors: Dr Hervé Leyrit and Dr Tim Davies. Committee members: Dr Ben Kennedy, Dr Bassam Barakat and Dr Jim Cole, External reader: Dr Anja Dufresne.

    2005-2008       Diploma of Professional Technician in Geology and Environment, at LaSalle-Beauvais, France (equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in Science). Dissertation: Debris avalanche of the valley of la Cère (Cantal): deposit analysis and implications for  mobility. Advisor: Dr Hervé Leyrit. Committee members: Dr Bassam Barakat and Mr Yannick Larger.



    Professional Experience

    2012-present Research Assistant, Geology, State University of New York at Buffalo

    5-6/2012          Teaching Assistant, Geologic Field Training, Geology, State University of New York at Buffalo. Course GLY 407/507, in which students learn how to map at four different sites in the western USA. The position required helping  students in the field, teaching them how to map and observe outcrops, and grading their notebooks.

    8-12/2011        Teaching Assistant, Geology, State University of New York at Buffalo. I was the grader for theintroductory course, Gly 101. I was the lead grader for class homework and exams .

    2010                Teaching Assistant, Field Camp, Institut LaSalle Beauvais, France. During two weeks, undergraduate and graduate students were given a specific location to map in the French volcanic region (Sancy), and were assigned the production of a geological map of the site in a publishable fashion with a legend. I helped in the field to teach them how to create a map. The graduate students also had to develop a project, which I helped them to define. I was grading daily reports and the final geological explanation of their site.

    2008                Intern, in an international research team in Volcano Research Solutions at the Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University in collaboration with Landcare Research, Ltd.  Report title: Study of the andesitic volcanism of New Zealand and Vanuatu and realisation of a set of posters to educate the population of Vanuatu about volcanic hazards. (New Zealand, Palmerston North, 4 months) – Internship with Dr Jérome Lecoîntre, Dr Shane Cronin and Mr Douglas Charley.





    Awards and Funding


    (1) Funded grants


    • 2014: NSF - workshop. PI: M.I. Bursik (University at Buffalo). Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science. I am listed as one of the conveners for this workshop with Dr Bursik and Dr Kuehn. My contribution was to draft the proposal. $20,000.


    • 2014: INTAV - workshop. Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science. I am listed as one of the conveners for this workshop with Dr Bursik and Dr Kuehn. My contribution was to draft the proposal to get support for international participants. 5,000€.


    • 2013: American Geophysical Union travel grant. Travel fund to attend the AGU Fall Meeting. $500.


    • 2012: Centre for Geohazards Studies. This grant is given to fund a research project proposed by a student. Research project: Study of the fall deposits of Santa Ana volcano, El Salvador, and survey of fumarolic activity with a Foward Looking InfraRed camera (FLIR). $1,000.


    • 2009: Association pour le Développement et la Recherche En Géologie (Association for Development and Research in Geology). research grant. This grant is given to few student to fund an innovative research. 500€.


    • 2008: European Volcanologic Association research grant. This grant is given to fund a research project proposed by a student. Research project: Study of the andesitic volcanism of New Zealand and Vanuatu and realisation of a set of posters to educate the population of Vanuatu about volcanic hazards. 500€.


    (2) Scholarship and fellowships


    • June 2009 to August 2010: Phileas scholarship. This scholarship is given to few students from the region of Picardie in France to study abroad. It is given based on an application depending on merit and scholarly results. 1,500€/month.


    • June 2008 to October 2009: Phileas internship grant. This grant is given to provide support for students, from the region of Picardie in France, to do an internship abroad. It is given based on an application depending on merit, scholarly results and internship project. Research project: Study of the andesitic volcanism of New Zealand and Vanuatu and realisation of a set of posters to educate the population of Vanuatu about volcanic hazards. 1500€/month.






    (1) Published peer reviewed journal articles




    Legorreta Paulín G., Bursik M.,  Pouget S., Serdar, C. and Hubp, J.L., 2014. Mapping landforms and assessing landslide hazards on the SW flank of Pico de Orizaba volcano, Puebla-Veracruz. Mexico. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 58 (1), 81-93


    Madankan. R., Pouget, S., Singla, P., Bursik, M., Dehn. J., Jones. M., Patra, A., Pavalonis, M., Pitman. E.B., Singh, T. and Webley, P., 2014. Computation of probabilistic hazard maps and source parameter estimation for volcanic ash transport and diffusion. Journal of Computational Physics, 271, 39-59


    Pouget, S., Bursik, M., Cortés, J.A. and Hayward, C., 2014. Use of principal component analysis for identification of Rockland and Trego Hot Springs tephras in Hat Creek Graben, northeastern California, USA. Quaternary Research, 81, 125:137


    Stefanescu, E.R., Patra, A.K.,  Bursik, M., Jones, M., Mandankan, R., Pitman, E.B., Pouget, S., Singh, T., Singla, P., Webley, P. and Morton, D., 2014. Fast construction of surrogates for UQ central to DDDAS - application to volcanic ash transport. Procedia Computer Science, 29, 1227-1235.





    Patra, A.K., Bursik, M., Dehn, J., Jones, M., Madankan. R., Morton, D., Pavolonis, M., Pitman, E .B., Pouget, S., Singh, T., Singla, P., Stefanescu, E.R. and Webley, P., 2013. Challenges in developing a DDDAS based methodology for volcanic ash hazard analysis–effect of numerical weather prediction variability and parameter estimation. Procedia Computer Science, 18, 1871-1880


    Pouget, S., Bursik, M., Webley, P., Dehn, J. and Pavolonis M., 2013. Estimation of eruption source parameters from umbrella cloud or downwind plume growth rate. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 258, 100:112.





    Pouget, S., Davies, T., Kennedy, B., Kelfoun, K., and Leyrit, H., 2012. Numerical modeling: a useful tool to simulate collapsing volcanoes. Geology Today, 28(2), 21-25.




    (2) In review journal articles


    Johnson, C.G., Bursik, M.I., Hogg, A.J., Huppert, H.E., Phillips, J.C., Pouget, S., Prata, F.,  Sparks, R.S.J. and Woodhouse, M., in review. Volcanic ash cloud dynamics: buoyancy matters. Nature.


    Pouget, S., Bursik, M. and Rogova, G., in review. Tephra redeposition and mixing in a late-glacial hillside basin determined by cluster analyses of glass-shard geochemistry. Journal of Quaternary Science.


    Stefanescu, E.R., Patra, A.K.,  Bursik, M.I., Mandankan, R., Pouget, S., Jones, M., Singla, P., Singh, T., Pitman, E.B., Morton, D., Pavolonis, M., Webley, P. and  Dehn, J., in review. Temporal, probabilistic mapping of ash clouds using wind field stochastic variability and uncertain eruption source parameters: Example of the 14 April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.


    (3) Conference abstracts

    M.I. Bursik, S. Pouget and J.A. Cortés, 2014. Use of PCA in Tephra Correlation and Importance of Thickness Values for Volume Estimation.  ID# 26736, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.


    C.G. Hughes, E.R. Stefanescu, A.K. Patra, M.I. Bursik, R. Madankan, S. Pouget, M. Jones, P. Singla, R. Singh, E.B. Pitman, D. Morton and P. Webley, 2014. UQ -- Fast Surrogates Key to New Methodologies in an Operational and Research Volcanic Hazard Forecasting System. ID# 30485, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.


    S.C Kuehn, S. Pouget, K. Wallace and M.I. Bursik, 2014. Results of the Tephra 2014 Workshop on Maximizing the Potential of Tephra for Multidisciplinary Science.  ID# 31324, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.


    S. Pouget, M.I. Bursik, C.G. Johnson, A.J. Hogg, R.S.J. Sparks and J.C. Phillips, 2014. Identification of Regime Transitions in Umbrella Cloud Growth for Short- and Long-Lived Eruptions. ID# 26334, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.


    P. Webley, A.K. Patra, M.I. Bursik, E.B. Pitman, J. Dehn., T. Singh, P. Singla, E.R. Stefanescu, R. Madankan, S. Pouget, M. Jones, D. Morton and C.G. Hughes, 2014. Probabilistic volcanic ash cloud simulations: Characterizing the uncertainty and moving into the operational environment. ID# 19382, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.


    E. Jansons, A. Tupper and S. Pouget, 2014. Automated probabilistic eruption surveillance. Cities on Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. September 9-13, 2014.

    S. Pouget, M. Bursik and G. Rogova, 2014. Redeposition and mixing of tephras based on cluster analysis, Hat Creek Graben, CA, USA. Cities on Volcanoes 8, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. September 9-13, 2014.

    S.C. Kuehn, K. Wallace, M.I. Bursik and S. Pouget, 2014. Consistency and clarity in tephra description and communication. Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science, Portland, Oregon, August 3-7, USA


    S. Pouget and M. Bursik, 2014. Characterization of explosive eruptions of Mono Craters with sparse data. Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science, Portland, Oregon, August 3-7, USA


    S. Pouget, M. Bursik, J.A. Cortés and G.L. Rogova, 2014. Use of PCA and clustering in tephra correlation. Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science, Portland, Oregon, August 3-7, USA


    S. Pouget, E. Jansons, M. Bursik, A. Tupper, A. Patra, E.B. Pitman, S. Carn, 2014. Automated estimation of mass eruption rate of volcanic eruption on satellite imagery using a cloud pattern recognition algorithm. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 2014.


    M. Bursik, S. Pouget, M. Marcaida,  M. Mangan and J. Vazquez, 2013. Quaternary  Eruptions of the Mono--Inyo Craters, California. Poster V13G-2699. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA


    E. Jansons, S. Pouget, M. Bursik, A. Patra, E.B. Pitman and A. Tupper, 2013. Using a cloud pattern recognition algorithm to automate estimation of mass eruption rate from umbrella cloud or downwind plume from satellite imagery. Talk, V52C-03. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA


    S. Pouget, M. Bursik, R.S.J. Sparks, A.J. Hogg, C. Johnson, T. Singh and M. Pavolonis, 2013. Gravity current model of the volumetric growth of volcanic clouds: remote assessment with satellite imagery and estimation of mass eruption rate. Poster V23C-2861. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA


    P. W. Webley, A. Patra, M. Bursik, E. B. Pitman, J. Dehn, T. Singh, P. Singla, E. R. Stefansecu, R. Madankan, S. Pouget, M. D. Jones, D. J. Morton and M. Pavolonis, 2013. Characterizing uncertainty in the motion, future location and ash concentrations of volcanic plumes and ash clouds. Poster V23B-2812. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA


    A. Patra, R. Madankan, E.R. Stefanescu, S. Pouget, M. Bursik, P. Webley, E.B. Pitman, M. Jones, P. Singla, T. Singh, J. Dehn, D. Morton, M. Pavolonis, 2013. A framework for uncertainty quantification for volcanic ash dispersion phenomena. Poster V23B-2809. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA


    S.C. Kuehn, M.I. Bursik, S. Pouget, 2013. Improved integration and discoverability of tephra data for multidisciplinary applications. Poster V13A-2591. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA


    M. Bursik, G. Rogova, S. Pouget, S. Kobs-Nawotniak. Long-term forecast of eruptions from Mono-Inyo volcanic chain, CA, USA. Conference talk, IAVCEI, Kagoshima, Japan, 20-24 July 2013.


    A. K. Patra, M. Bursik, J. Dehn, M. Jones, R. Madankan, D. Morton, M. Pavolonis, E. B. Pitman, S. Pouget, T. Singh, P. Singla, E.R. Stefanescu, P. Webley , 2013. Challenges in developing a DDDAS based methodology for volcanic ash hazard analysis - effect of numerical weather prediction variability and parameter estimation. International Conference on Computational Science, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.


    S. Pouget, M. Bursik, P. Webley, J. Dehn, M. Pavolonis, T. Singh, P. Singla, A. Patra, B. Pitman, R. Stefanescu, R. Madankan, D. Morton and M. Jones, 2013. Estimation of eruption source parameters from plume growth rate. Conference talk, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 april 2013.


    S. Pouget, M. Bursik, P.W. Webley, J. Dehn and M. Pavolonis, 2013. measurement of plume growth rate from satellite imagery for ESP estimation. Conference talk, IAVCEI, Kagoshima, Japan, 20-24 July.


    R. Stefanescu, A. Patra, M. Bursik, B. Pitman, T. Singh, P. Singla, R. Mandankan, S. Pouget, D. Morton, P. Webley, J. Dehn and M. Pavolonis, 2013. Windfield stochastic variability integrated in an ash transport and dispersal model. Conference talk, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 april 2013.


    R. Stefanescu, A. Patra, M. Bursik and S. Pouget, 2013. Assessing extreme event risk. Conference talk, US National Congress on Computational Mechanics Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, July 22-25 2013.



    (4) Invited talks - non-conference


    Pouget, S., Bursik, M.I., Cortés, J., Dehn, Jones, M., Mandankan, R., Morton, D., Patra, A., Pavolonis, M., Pitman, E.B., Rogova, G., Singh, T., Singla, P., Stefanescu, E.R. and Webley, P., 2013. Estimation of eruption source parameters from plumes and tephra deposits. University of Bristol, UK, October 2013.



    (5) Workshops


    Steve Kuehn, Solene Pouget and Marcus I Bursik, 2014. Tephra 2014 - Maximizing the potential of tephra for multidisciplinary science. Portland State University, Portland, OR, 3-7 August.



    (6) Educational posters


    Charley, D., Lecoîntre, J., Pouget, S., Nemeth, K. and Cronin J., 2008. Educational set of 14 posters about volcanic hazards facing the island of Vanuatu.



    (7) Educational papers


    Pouget, S., 2011. Expériences en laboratoire et modélisations numériques au service de la volcanologie : cas des dépôts d’avalanches de débris du volcan Taranaki en Nouvelle-Zélande (Lab experiments and digital models in the service of volcanology: study of avalanche deposits of the Taranaki volcano in New Zealand). Association Volcanologique Européene, 151:20-31.


    Pouget, S., 2011. L’avalanche de débris, un aléa volcanique destructeur (The debris avalanche, a catastrophic volcanic hazard). Association Volcanologique Européenne, 150:19-25.


    Pouget, S., Lecoîntre, J., Charley, D., and Leyrit, H., 2009. Eduquer la population du Vanuatu aux risques volcaniques (Teach the population of Vanuatu the volcanic hazards). Association Volcanologique Européenne, 138.




    Geology :                    Petrology, volcanology, tectonics, geodynamics, field-geology, geologic mapping, sedimentology, geophysics theory and instruments, mineralogy, cartography, palaeontology

    Applications : Geotechnics, statistical tests, soil and fluid mechanics, geostatistics, microscopy, geochemistry, hydrochemistry, hydrogeology, photo interpretation, erosion and transport, mining, oil and gas, natural hazards, seismic signal interpretation

    Computer skills :       Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, ENVI, MATLAB, LaTex, GIS (ArcGis, MapInfo), Microsoft Office, SQL programming, remote computer access, Python

    Other :                        Basic and advanced first aid, quality assessment, management, accountancy, economics, led a team studying the viability of creating a first aid room at LaSalle Beauvais Institute and analysing the security on campus. Four wheel driver training

    Languages:                French, mother tongue

                                        English, proficient (945 TOEIC points, 106 TOEFL points, “Au pair” in the USA, New Jersey, summer 2005)

                                        Spanish, proficient (”Au pair” in Spain, Mallorca, summer 2004)




    Professional membership


    • YES network (Young Earth Scientists) since 2008


    • L.A.V.E. (European Volcanologic Association) since 2004


    • EGU (European Geoscience Union) since 2013


    • AGU (American Geophysical Union) since 2013


    • IAVCEI since 2013



    Activities, hobbies and interests

    2008-2009:      Part of Civil Protection First Aid Team

    Summer 2007:Palliative care for elderly and terminal stage patients (France)

    July 2006:       Internship at JET (Joint European Torus) (UK)

    Sport/music:   Kathak (traditional dance from northern India), Rhythmic gymnastics (6years), Volleyball (4years), Harp (12years), Scuba-diving (initiation)

                            Charitable activities: French Civil Protection, distribution of food to homeless.




    Marcus Bursik: Ph. D., Geology.Area of expertise in volcanic and geologic hazards, plumes, tephrochronology, mapping. Professor at the Department of Geology, University at Buffalo, USA, +17166454265,


    Greg Valentine: Ph. D., Geology.Area of expertise in volcanic risk, basaltic volcanism, pyroclastic deposits, volcano fluid dynamics and modeling, phreatomagmatism. Professor at the Department of Geology, University at Buffalo, USA, +1-716-645-4295,



    Hervé Leyrit: Ph. D., Volcanology. Area of expertise in debris avalanches, Head of the Geological Department of LaSalle Beauvais Institute, France, +33 (0) 3-44-06-89-88,



    Tim Davies : Ph. D., Civil Engineering. Area of expertise in landslides and hazard management, Professor at the department of the university of Canterbury, New Zealand, +64-3-364-2987 ext 7502.