Now hiring a Ghub postdoctoral associate! Click here for more info: close

The functionality to submit jobs to run on the UB-HPC compute cluster is currently not available. We are working on a solution for this. close

Joining GHub

Here we list ways to get in touch, stay in touch, contribute and collaborate with GHub.

Why join GHub? You can:

  • Run ice sheet tools on high-performance computing resources
  • Gain seamless access to datasets via Globus
  • Build computational tools using hosted source codes
  • Collaborate with the GHub community


Ice sheet scientists, educators, students, and members of related communities are welcome to register on GHub. Please use your institutional email address and indicate your Reason and Interests.

Registration is free! You must be a member to access certain GHub features and develop your own tools.

You may also contact us through a system ticket; please mention GHub.

GHub on GitHub

GHub has a dedicated and growing home for our source code. Browse it and join the ghub-gateway organization for more:

Globus data access

GHub's collaborators at University at Buffalo Center for Computational Research are excited to host the ISMIP6 data release. Data stored at CCR can now be accessed using Globus endpoints; please contact us for details and to set up access.

GHub Slack channel

Chat with us on the Slack app. Our channel:

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