This is an EXAMPLE of how to successfully use the TITAN2D program. Follow this example using the four .tar.gz files downloaded from the project website (titanbin-1.0.0.rh7.2.tar.gz, titanbin-1.0.0.rh9.0.tar.gz, titan-1.0.0.tar.gz, example.tar.gz). Currently Titan only runs on Linux and Unix computers. Python (including the tkinter toolbox) and the Message Passing Interface (MPI) must be installed on your computer in order for you to use TITAN2D (actually the binary release of titan can be run on Linux computers without having MPI installed). In the example below, all commands that you need to enter will be placed within quotation marks ("command"). Do not type the quotation marks when using the commands. To start TITAN2D, use the 'cd' command to move to the directory containing the titan executables (located at 'titan-1.0.0/bin', 'titanbin-1.0.0.rh7.2' or 'titanbin-1.0.0.rh9.0' with 1.0.0 being replaced by the current release number). Type "python &" and press enter. This will bring up a GUI (graphical user interface) in which you will fill in some entries. (It is also possible to run the from within grass in which case the first 2 fields can be chosen using the grass gui). The only entry that that you need to change in the below example is the location of the grass database . The rest can be used as is. To determine what to enter for , type "pwd" from the directory where you put "". For example if your user name was and you put in your home directory, typing "pwd" from your home directory would likely return "/home/". The would be "/home//". Note that "/" was simply added to the end of what was returned from typing "pwd" from the location where was placed. *Note when it comes time to perform runs other than this example, adding "/" to the output of pwd MAY NOT WORK. It is completely dependent on what you named the grass main directory. GIS Information Main Directory: GIS Sub-Directory: Colima GIS Map Set: ColimaR GIS Map: ColimaR GIS Vector: Flow1991_lin.spr Use GIS Material Map? No Simulation Directory Location: TEST1 Number of Processors: 1 Computation Mesh Points in Y-Direction: 64 Number of Piles: 1 Scale Simulation? Yes If Scaled, Length Scale [m]: 20000 Maximum Number of Time Steps: 300 Maximum Time [sec]: 100 Time [sec] between Results Output: 10 Adapt the Grid?: Yes Visualization Output: it depends on what software you want to view the output with, most likely the free titan viewer. If so select GMFG Viz First/Second Order Method: No Minimum x and y location: leave both entries blank Maximum x and y location: leave both entries blank Height used to define flow outline (>0) [m]: 1.5 Test if flow reaches height [m] ... 3.0 ... at test point (x and y location): 643000 2168000 Email Address: leave blank After you have entered the above information, click the "Run"button. Another window, with the title "Material 1 of 1: all materials", will pop up. You need to enter values for the following Internal Friction Angle (deg): 30 Bed Friction Angle (deg): 24 After you have entered the above information click the "Done" button and then click the "Quit" button. Another window, with the title "Information for Pile Number 1", to pop up. All entries except the Orientation must be filled in, that one is optional. Maximum Initial Thickness, P (m): 50 Center of Initial Volume, xc, yc, (UTM E,UTM N): 645000 2165000 Major and Minor Extent, majorR, minorR (m, m): 10000 5000 Orientation (angle [degrees] from X axis to major axis): -45 Initial speed [m/s]: 2.0 Initial direction ([degrees] from X axis): -5.0 Click the "Done" button, then click the "Quit" button. Congratulations, you have set up everything needed to run TITAN2D. Click on the command window in which you typed "python &". Type "cd TEST1" and press enter. This changed the directory to simulation directory (TEST1) that you specified in the first window. An optimal way to consolidate your simulation runs is to create a "TITANRUNS" directory within your home directory (using the 'mkdir' command) rather than creating simulation directories within the bin directory. If you choose to create a "TITANRUNS" directory within your home directory you can specifying the simulation directory as "/home//TITANRUNS/TEST1" in the first window, replacing with your user name (this assumes that your home directory is "/home/" you can verify this by typing "pwd" from your home directory). You must run TITAN2D within the simulation directory (in this example "TEST1"). One of two commands can be used to start TITAN2D. If you are on a Linux computer try "./titan" first (especially if you only have the TITAN2D binaries rather than the source code). If you are on an SGI computer, "mpirun -np 1 titan" is probably necessary. Other computers will be one of the two. ****FOR FURTHER REFERENCE PLEASE CONSULT THE TITAN2D USER GUIDE.****