function [Ur,Uz] = deformation_cylinder(rho_radial_obs,Zobs,depth,R,h,eps_0,ni) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORWARD MODEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% SEMI-ANALYTICAL SOLUTION for the CYLINDER %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The subroutine computes the thermo-poro-elastic ground deformation U_calc=[Ur,Uz] % in the radial and vertical components Ur and Uz induced by a cylinder on the surface z=0 of a half-space % according to the formulas (7)-(8) in the paper. %%%%%%%%%% %% INPUTS: %%%%%%%%%% % rho_radial_obs=[rho_radial_obs(1),...,rho_radial_obs(n)], Z_obs=[Z_obs(1),...,Z_obs(n)], with n the number of the observation points % and P=(rho_radial_obs(i),Z_obs(i)) the coordinates of the i-th observation point in the 2D cylindrical coordinate system; % % The coordinates (Xc,Yc) of the center of the source; % % The upper limit depth of the source; % % The radius R of the source; % % The height h of the source; % % The stress-free strain eps_0 at the source; % % The Poisson's ratio ni=0.25 %%%%%%%%%%% %% OUTPUTS: %%%%%%%%%%% % The ground deformation at the observation points P in the components % Ur=[Ur(1),...,Ur(n)] and Uz=[Uz(1),...,Uz(n)] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% lim_sup=depth; % upper limit of the source lim_inf=depth-h; % lower limit of the source % we compute the deformation as the sum of the deformations induced by 100 smaller cylindrical sources m=10; % number of block inside the source along the r direction l=10; % number of block inside the source along the z direction amp_r=R/m; % width of each block along the r direction dr=amp_r*ones(m,1); % vector dr_tot=[dr';dr';dr';dr';dr';dr';dr';dr';dr';dr']; % matrix (to avoid for cicle) rho_radial=[amp_r/2:amp_r:R-amp_r/2]; % vector of the coordinates of the center of each small cylinder along the r direction % rho_matrix=[]; % for i=1:m % rho_matrix=[rho_matrix; rho_radial]; % end rho_matrix=[rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial;rho_radial]; % matrix (to avoid for cicle) dz=h/l; % width of each block along the z direction Z=[lim_sup-dz/2:-dz:lim_inf+dz/2]'; % vector of the coordinates of the center of each small cylinder along the z direction (from top to bottom) % Z_matrix=[]; % for i=1:l % Z_matrix=[Z_matrix Z]; % end Z_matrix=[Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z]; % matrix (to avoid for cicle) rho_2=rho_matrix(:); Z_2=Z_matrix(:); for j=1:length(rho_radial_obs) parfor i=1:prod(size(rho_matrix)) fr = @(x)( (rho_radial_obs(j)-rho_2(i)*cos(x)).*(rho_2(i).^2-2*rho_2(i)*rho_radial_obs(j)*cos(x)+(Zobs(j)-Z_2(i)).^2+rho_radial_obs(j).^2).^(-1.5) ); fz = @(x)((rho_2(i).^2-2*rho_2(i)*rho_radial_obs(j)*cos(x)+(Zobs(j)-Z_2(i)).^2+rho_radial_obs(j).^2).^(-1.5)); integralz = quad(fz,0,2*pi); integralr = quad(fr,0,2*pi); facz(i,j)=rho_2(i)*(Zobs(j)-Z_2(i))*integralz; facr(i,j)=rho_2(i)*integralr; end end Ur=(1+ni)/(3*pi)*facr'*(eps_0.*dr_tot(:))*dz; Uz=(1+ni)/(3*pi)*facz'*(eps_0.*dr_tot(:))*dz; Ur=Ur'; % row vector; Uz=Uz'; % row vector;