function [Ux,Uy,Uz] = deformation_triaxial_ellipsoid(Xobs,Yobs,Zobs,Xc,Yc,depth,a,b,c,alpha,delta,gamma,eps_0,ni) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORWARD MODEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ANALYTICAL SOLUTION for the TRIAXIAL ELLIPSOID %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The subroutine computes the thermo-poro-elastic ground deformation U_calc=[Ux,Uy,Uz], % in the components Ux, Uy and Uz, induced by a triaxial ellipsoid at observation points (Xp,Yp,Zp) placed on the surface z=0 of a half-space, % according to the equations (13)-(15) in the paper %%%%%%%%%% %% INPUTS: %%%%%%%%%% % Xobs=[Xobs(1),...,Xobs(n)], Yobs=[Yobs(1),...,Yobs(n)], Zobs=[Zobs(1),...,Zobs(n)], with n the number of the observation points % and P=(Xobs(i),Yobs(i),Zobs(i)) the coordinates of the i-th observation point in the 3D Cartesian coordinate system; % % The coordinates (Xc,Yc) of the center of the source; % % The upper limit depth of the source; % % The length a, b and c of the semi-axes along the x, y and z direction % % The stress-free strain eps_0 at the source; % % The angles alpha, delta and gamma of rotation about the z, y and x axes, respectively; % % The Poisson's ratio ni=0.25 %%%%%%%%%%% %% OUTPUTS: %%%%%%%%%%% % The ground deformation at the observation points P in the components % Ux=[Ux(1),...,Ux(n)], Uy=[Uy(1),...,Uy(n)] and Uz=[Uz(1),...,Uz(n)] % traslation of the observation points along x and y directions in such a way that (Xc,Yc)=(0,0); Xobs=Xobs-Xc; Yobs=Yobs-Yc; % traslation of the observation points along z direction knowing the depth d of the top in such a way that Zc=0 [R]=rotation(alpha,delta,gamma); Rot=R'; P0 = [0 0 0]'; % The centroid (Xc,Yc,Zc) P1 = P0+b*R(:,2); P2 = P0-b*R(:,2); Q1 = P0+c*R(:,3); Q2 = P0-c*R(:,3); R1 = P0+a*R(:,1); R2 = P0-a*R(:,1); x=max([P1(3),P2(3),Q1(3),Q2(3),R1(3),R2(3)]); Zobs=x-depth+Zobs; %% SEMI-ANALYTICAL FORMULATION for i=1:length(Xobs) x1=Xobs(i); x2=Yobs(i); x3=Zobs(i); %% Resolution in the rotated coordinate system %% ROTATION OF THE CARTESIAN COORDINATE SYSTEM % coordinates of the points (Xobs,Yobs,Zobs) in the body coordinate system P_rot=Rot*[x1;x2;x3]; x1=P_rot(1); x2=P_rot(2); x3=P_rot(3); p2=a^2+b^2+c^2-x1^2-x2^2-x3^2; p1=a^2*b^2+b^2*c^2+c^2*a^2-(b^2+c^2)*x1^2-(c^2+a^2)*x2^2-(b^2+a^2)*x3^2; p0=a^2*b^2*c^2-b^2*c^2*x1^2-c^2*a^2*x2^2-a^2*b^2*x3^2; poly=[1 p2 p1 p0]; lambdaT=roots(poly); lambda=max(lambdaT); fA = @(x)(1./((a.^2+x).*sqrt((a.^2+x).*(b.^2+x).*(c.^2+x)))); A_lambda = quadgk(fA,lambda,Inf,'RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-15); fB = @(x)(1./((b.^2+x).*sqrt((a.^2+x).*(b.^2+x).*(c.^2+x)))); B_lambda = quadgk(fB,lambda,Inf,'RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-15); fC = @(x)(1./((c.^2+x).*sqrt((a.^2+x).*(b.^2+x).*(c.^2+x)))); C_lambda = quadgk(fC,lambda,Inf,'RelTol',1e-12,'AbsTol',1e-15); U1=-2*a*b*c*x1*A_lambda; U2=-2*a*b*c*x2*B_lambda; U3=-2*a*b*c*x3*C_lambda; %% Deformation components in the Cartesian coordinate system U_rot = Rot'*[U1;U2;U3]; U_x(i)=U_rot(1); U_y(i)=U_rot(2); U_z(i)=U_rot(3); end Ux=-(1+ni)/3*eps_0*U_x; Uy=-(1+ni)/3*eps_0*U_y; Uz=-(1+ni)/3*eps_0*U_z;