subroutine probfunction USE inputdata; USE nrtype implicit none INTERFACE FUNCTION zbrent(x1,x2) USE inputdata; USE nrtype; USE nrutil, ONLY : nrerror IMPLICIT NONE REAL(dp) :: x1,x2 REAL(dp) :: zbrent END FUNCTION zbrent END INTERFACE real(dp), dimension(20) :: zdynpr,pzavg,pzmax,pzmin,czavg,czmax,czmin,zc,mpz,mupz,& &sigpz,mcz,mucz,sigcz real(dp) :: den,p10avg,p10max,p10min,c2avg,c2max,c2min,px,pcx,sigsim,mudstr,mxdstr,mndstr,& &mm,musim,temp1,temp2,val,tempz1,tempz2,zstd,x1,x2,mp10,mc2,mup10,muc2,sigc2,sigp10 real(dp) :: x1tmp,x2tmp,x3tmp,x4tmp integer :: j,ipr,ic,ndynpr,nc,nnewt,njc,njpr,npfunc,nsrch,nfunc logical :: checkzbr common/warn/ checkzbr common/nf/ nfunc common/cnewt2/ den,nnewt common/prof3/ zdynpr,p10avg,p10max,p10min,c2avg,c2max,c2min,pzavg,pzmax,pzmin,& &czavg,czmax,czmin,zc,ipr,ic,ndynpr,nc common/prob/ px,sigsim,mudstr,mxdstr,mndstr,mm,musim x1tmp=-50.d0;x2tmp=-1.d-10;x3tmp=1.d-10;x4tmp=50.d0 ! Symmetric probability distribution parameters for Pdyn at 10 m mudstr=p10avg mxdstr=p10max mndstr=p10min nfunc=18 write(*,*)'Pdyn 10 m simmetrization exponent calc. residuals' write(52,*)'Pdyn 10 m simmetrization exponent calc. residuals' 600 temp1=zbrent(x3tmp,x4tmp) if(checkzbr) temp1=0.d0 write(52,369)temp1 write(*,369)temp1 369 format('Temp. simmetrization exponent',f8.3,/) if( then mp10=temp1 else temp2=zbrent(x1tmp,x2tmp) if(checkzbr) then x1tmp=x1tmp-50.d0 x2tmp=x2tmp-50.d0 x3tmp=x3tmp+50.d0 x4tmp=x4tmp+50.d0 goto 600 endif write(52,369)temp2 write(*,369)temp2 if( then mp10=temp2 else write(*,*)'Warning. Unable to find a simmetrization coefficient' write(*,*)'for 10 m dynamic pressure prob. function' endif endif musim=mudstr**mp10 sigsim=abs(mxdstr**mp10-mudstr**mp10) mup10=musim sigp10=sigsim write(50,*)'10 m dynamic pressure probability function' write(50,410)mp10,mup10,sigp10 write(*,*)'10 m dynamic pressure probability function' write(*,410)mp10,mup10,sigp10 ! Symmetric probability distribution parameters for C at 2 m mudstr=c2avg mxdstr=c2max mndstr=c2min write(*,*)'C 2 m simmetrization exponent calc. residuals' write(52,*)'C 2 m simmetrization exponent calc. residuals' 601 temp1=zbrent(x3tmp,x4tmp) if(checkzbr) temp1=0.d0 write(52,369)temp1 write(*,369)temp1 if( then mc2=temp1 else temp2=zbrent(x1tmp,x2tmp) if(checkzbr) then x1tmp=x1tmp-50.d0 x2tmp=x2tmp-50.d0 x3tmp=x3tmp+50.d0 x4tmp=x4tmp+50.d0 goto 601 endif write(52,369)temp2 write(*,369)temp2 if( then mc2=temp2 else write(*,*)'Warning. Unable to find a simmetrization coefficient' write(*,*)'for 2 m particle concentration prob. function' endif endif musim=mudstr**mc2 sigsim=abs(mxdstr**mc2-mudstr**mc2) muc2=musim sigc2=sigsim write(50,*)'2 m particle concentration probability function' write(50,410)mc2,muc2,sigc2 write(*,*)'2 m particle concentration probability function' write(*,410)mc2,muc2,sigc2 410 format('Symmetrization exponent',f8.3,/,& &'Median',e12.4,/,& &'Standard deviation',e12.4,//) if( goto 405 if(ndynpr.eq.1) then ! Determination of probability function of Pdyn at user requested heights write(*,*)'###PROBABILITY FUNCTIONS FOR AVERAGE DYNAMIC PRESSURE OVER USER REQUESTED HEIGHTS###' do j=1,ipr mudstr=pzavg(j) mxdstr=pzmax(j) mndstr=pzmin(j) write(*,425)zdynpr(j) write(52,425)zdynpr(j) 602 tempz1=zbrent(x3tmp,x4tmp) if(checkzbr) tempz1=0.d0 write(52,369)tempz1 write(*,369)tempz1 if( then mpz(j)=tempz1 else tempz2=zbrent(x1tmp,x2tmp) if(checkzbr) then x1tmp=x1tmp-50.d0 x2tmp=x2tmp-50.d0 x3tmp=x3tmp+50.d0 x4tmp=x4tmp+50.d0 goto 602 endif write(52,369)tempz2 write(*,369)tempz2 if( then mpz(j)=tempz2 else write(*,*)'Warning. Unable to find a simmetrization coefficient' write(*,*)'for dynamic pressure prob. function at z=',zdynpr(j) write(52,*)'Warning. Unable to find a simmetrization coefficient' write(52,*)'for dynamic pressure prob. function at z=',zdynpr(j) endif endif musim=mudstr**mpz(j) sigsim=abs(mxdstr**mpz(j)-mudstr**mpz(j)) mupz(j)=musim sigpz(j)=sigsim write(50,411)zdynpr(j),mpz(j),mupz(j),sigpz(j) write(*,411)zdynpr(j),mpz(j),mupz(j),sigpz(j) 411 format(f6.2,1x,'m dynamic pressure probability function',/,& &'Symmetrization exponent',f8.3,/,& &'Median',e12.4,/,& &'Standard deviation',e12.4,//) enddo endif if(nc.eq.1) then ! Determination of probability function of C at user requested heights write(*,*)'###PROBABILITY FUNCTIONS FOR PARTICLE CONCENTRATION AT USER REQUESTED HEIGHTS###' do j=1,ic mudstr=czavg(j) mxdstr=czmax(j) mndstr=czmin(j) write(*,426)zdynpr(j) write(52,426)zdynpr(j) 603 tempz1=zbrent(x3tmp,x4tmp) if(checkzbr) tempz1=0.d0 write(52,369)tempz1 write(*,369)tempz1 if( then mcz(j)=tempz1 else tempz2=zbrent(x1tmp,x2tmp) if(checkzbr) then x1tmp=x1tmp-50.d0 x2tmp=x2tmp-50.d0 x3tmp=x3tmp+50.d0 x4tmp=x4tmp+50.d0 goto 603 endif write(52,369)tempz2 write(*,369)tempz2 if( then mcz(j)=tempz2 else write(*,*)'Warning. Unable to find a simmetrization coefficient' write(*,*)'for dynamic pressure prob. function at z=',zc(j) write(52,*)'Warning. Unable to find a simmetrization coefficient' write(52,*)'for dynamic pressure prob. function at z=',zc(j) endif endif musim=mudstr**mcz(j) sigsim=abs(mxdstr**mcz(j)-mudstr**mcz(j)) mucz(j)=musim sigcz(j)=sigsim write(50,412)zc(j),mcz(j),mucz(j),sigcz(j) write(*,412)zc(j),mcz(j),mucz(j),sigcz(j) 412 format(f6.2,1x,'m particle concentration probability function',/,& &'Symmetrization exponent',f8.3,/,& &'Median',e12.4,/,& &'Standard deviation',e12.4,//) enddo endif ! Calculation of function values at a desired percentile 405 write(*,*)'Do you want to calculate the function values?' write(*,*)'1:yes 2:no' read(*,*)nsrch select case (nsrch) case (1) write(*,*)'###### CALCULATION OF FUNCTION VALUES ######' write(50,*)'###### CALCULATION OF FUNCTION VALUES ######' 400 write(*,*)'Select the probability function' write(*,*)'1: Dynamic pressure 10 m' write(*,*)'2: Particle concentration 2 m' write(*,*)'3: Dynamic pressure at user requested heights' write(*,*)'4: Particle concentration at user requested heights' read(*,*)npfunc select case (npfunc) case (1) musim=mup10 sigsim=sigp10 mm=mp10 401 write(*,*)'Write the percentile' read(*,*)pcx if( then write(*,*)'Wrong percentile (0 < p <1)' goto 401 else if( then px=1.d0-pcx else px=pcx endif nfunc=17 zstd=zbrent(-3.d0,3.d0) val=zstd*sigsim+musim if(val.le.0.d0) then write(*,*)'Warning!!' write(*,*)'The percentile is outside the range of calculation' goto 401 else val=val**(1.d0/mp10) write(*,*)'Dynamic pressure 10 m' write(*,420)pcx,val write(50,*)'Dynamic pressure 10 m' write(50,420)pcx,val endif endif case (2) musim=muc2 sigsim=sigc2 mm=mc2 404 write(*,*)'Write the percentile' read(*,*)pcx if( then write(*,*)'Wrong percentile (0 < p <1)' goto 404 else if( then px=1.d0-pcx else px=pcx endif nfunc=17 zstd=zbrent(-3.d0,3.d0) val=zstd*sigsim+musim if(val.le.0.d0) then write(*,*)'Warning!!' write(*,*)'The percentile is outside the range of calculation' goto 404 else val=val**(1.d0/mc2) write(*,*)'Particle concentration 2 m' write(*,421)pcx,val write(50,*)'Particle concentration 2 m' write(50,421)pcx,val endif endif case (3) if(ndynpr.eq.2) then write(*,*)'Warning. No user requested heights were provided' write(*,*)'' goto 400 endif 430 write(*,*)'Choose an height' do j=1,ipr write(*,424)j,zdynpr(j) enddo read(*,*)njpr if( then write(*,*)'Wrong choice' goto 430 endif musim=mupz(njpr) sigsim=sigpz(njpr) mm=mpz(njpr) 431 write(*,*)'Write the percentile' read(*,*)pcx if( then write(*,*)'Wrong percentile (0 < p <1)' goto 431 else if( then px=1.d0-pcx else px=pcx endif nfunc=17 zstd=zbrent(-3.d0,3.d0) val=zstd*sigsim+musim if(val.le.0.d0) then write(*,*)'Warning!!' write(*,*)'The percentile is outside the range of calculation' goto 431 else val=val**(1.d0/mpz(njpr)) write(*,422)zdynpr(njpr),pcx,val write(50,422)zdynpr(njpr),pcx,val endif endif case (4) if(nc.eq.2) then write(*,*)'Warning. No user requested heights were provided' write(*,*)'' goto 400 endif 432 write(*,*)'Choose an height' do j=1,ic write(*,424)j,zc(j) enddo read(*,*)njc if( then write(*,*)'Wrong choice' goto 432 endif musim=mucz(njc) sigsim=sigcz(njc) mm=mcz(njc) 433 write(*,*)'Write the percentile' read(*,*)pcx if( then write(*,*)'Wrong percentile (0 < p <1)' goto 433 else if( then px=1.d0-pcx else px=pcx endif nfunc=17 zstd=zbrent(-3.d0,3.d0) val=zstd*sigsim+musim if(val.le.0.d0) then write(*,*)'Warning!!' write(*,*)'The percentile is outside the range of calculation' goto 433 else val=val**(1.d0/mcz(njc)) write(*,423)zc(njc),pcx,val write(50,423)zc(njc),pcx,val endif endif case default write(*,*)'Wrong choice' goto 400 end select case (2) return case default write(*,*)'Wrong choice' goto 405 end select 420 format('Percentile',f12.3,/,& &'Function value',f14.4) 421 format('Percentile',f12.3,/,& &'Function value',e14.4) 422 format(f6.2,2x,'average dynamic pressure (Pa)',/,& &'Percentile',f12.3,/,& &'Function value',f14.4) 423 format(f6.2,2x,'particle concentration',/,& &'Percentile',f12.3,/,& &'Function value',e14.4) 424 format(i2,2x,'z = ',f6.2) 425 format(f6.2,1x,'Pdyn simmetrization exponent calc. residuals') 426 format(f6.2,1x,'C simmetrization exponent calc. residuals') goto 405 end subroutine probfunction