ISMIP6 workshop at IUGG Montreal 2019 ISMIP6 will host a workshop at IUGG Montreal on Sunday 14th July 2019 in room 518B from 8:30-17:00 (but we may revise the start and end time when we have a better idea of the agenda). The goal of the workshop is to analyze the ISMIP6 simulations and work on the papers that will be coming out in the coming months for AR6. Our idea was to work on both standalone ISM and coupled climate-ISM simulations, with the following goals identified when the workshop proposal was submitted: -analyze the ISMIP6 standalone ice sheet model simulations -analyze the ISMIP6 coupled ice sheet – climate model simulations -analyze the CMIP6 ScenarioMIP simulations and develop a framework for standalone ice sheet model simulations -identify and create strawman drafts of the ISMIP6 publications that need to be submitted prior to December 2019. -identify and create strawman drafts of the ISMIP6 publications that can be submitted after December 2019. -Begin the discussion of next steps post CMIP6/AR6 deadline. These goals may change depending on who is present… If you would like to attend the workshop (the only one planned this year), can you please email, and indicate which aspect(s) interest you by the end of April. We also have some travel support thanks to CliC, so if you would like to request travel support, let us know. Splinter Meeting at EGU 2019 ISMIP6 will have the annual EGU splinter meeting (SMP22) on Wednesday 10th April 2019 from 12:45-13:45 in room 0.51. Bring your lunch! Pre-AGU 2018 ISMIP6 workshop ISMIP6 will have the annual Pre-AGU workshop on Sunday December 9th. We are hosting the workshop starting at 9 am at EATON DC, 1201 K Street NW, Washington DC 20005. Eaton DC is located 10 minutes walk from the AGU conference center. There is no registration fee. Agenda can be downloaded here. Hope to see you there. ISMIP6 workshop: “Developing process-based projections of the ice sheets’ contribution to future sea level”, September 11 -13, 2018 We would like to invite you to the ISMIP6 workshop "Developing process-based projections of the ice sheets’ contribution to future sea level" to evaluate the output of the CMIP6 climate models and obtain forcing for standalone ice sheet model experiments. This workshop will be key for establishing the experimental protocols for the ice sheet model simulations that target the IPCC AR6 report. Date: 11 September - 13 September 2018 The workshop will be hosted in the Netherlands at the Van der Valk Hotel Sassenheim-Leiden. Please see the link for more details. Pre-AGU 2017 ISMIP6 workshop Coming to AGU 2017? ISMIP6 will have a workshop on the Sunday the 10th December. We are hosting the workshop starting at 9 am in the St. Ann Cottage room in the Bourbon Hotel of the French quarter, 717 Orleans St, New Orleans, LA 70116. There is no registration fee. Agenda can be downloaded here. Hope to see you there. ISMIP6 splinter meeting at EGU General Assembly 2017 Splinter meeting to discuss results of initMIP-Antarctica with the participants (SMP18). When: Tuesday, 25 April 2017, 17:30–19:00h Where: Room O.S1, Vienna, Austria Pre-AGU 2016 ISMIP6 workshop Coming to AGU 2016? ISMIP6 is hosting two workshops, the first one on initMIP (10th December 2016), the second one on ocean forcing for ice sheet models (11th December 2016). Attendees are asked to RSVP to by the end of September. There is no registration fee. Where: The Firehouse, Fort Mason, 2 Marine Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123 December 10, 2016 Workshop: Initialization of ice sheet models (initMIP) A one-day workshop will be held on December 10, 2016 in San Francisco, USA, to discuss the results and further steps of initMIP. This effort focuses on the initialization of standalone ice sheet models used for projections and the impact of initialization on simulated ice sheet evolution. It represents the first suite of experiments for standalone ice sheet models from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6). Specific goals of the workshop are: Present and discuss the results of initMIP-Greenland, with the goal to finalize the analysis and the publication of the results. Discuss potential next steps for initMIP-Greenland. Present and obtain feedback on the design of the initMIP-Antarctica effort. Discuss and evaluate initial submission of initMIP-Antarctica simulation, in particular initial state and control run. December 11, 2016 Workshop: Oceanic forcing for ice sheet models A one-day workshop will be held on December 11, 2016 in San Francisco, USA, to discuss the design and implementation of oceanic forcing for the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6). The aim of ISMIP6 is to improve projections of sea level via simulation of the evolution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets under a changing climate, and to quantify associated uncertainties in climate forcing and the response of ice sheets. The aim of this workshop is to create a roadmap for translating the CMIP6 open-ocean forcing into forcing to which the ice sheet can respond. Questions that are to be explored include: How does large-scale ocean signal get into shallow-shelf waters? What processes affect the migration of the coastal water towards the ice? What are the mechanics of the way ice and water interact? Specific goals of the workshop are to: Review existing parameterizations used in the ice sheet community for melt from under ice shelves, melt from termini of outlet glacier, and calving. Obtain guidance from oceanographers on desirable properties of melt and calving parameterizations. Identify datasets that can be used to test, validate, or constrain melt and calving parameterizations. Discuss CMIP5 ocean models in the polar regions, and how to evaluate CMIP6 models. This scoping meeting will set the direction for the standalone ice sheet component of ISMIP6, and lay the foundation for a more detailed evaluation of CMIP6 models and generation of oceanic forcing in late 2017. ISMIP6 splinter meeting at EGU General Assembly 2016 Splinter meeting to discuss results of initMIP-Greenland with the participants (SMP6). When: 19 April 2016, 17:30–20:00h Where: Vienna, Austria Pre-AGU 2015 ISMIP6 workshop Coming to AGU? The next ISMIP6 workshop will be in San Francisco just before AGU... The workshop will focus on the impact of different initialization methods on projections of ice sheet evolution. It will also be an opportunity to meet other members of ISMIP6, find out more about the ISMIP6 framework and upcoming experiments, and provide feedback to the steering committee. When: 12-13 December 2015 Where: San Francisco, California, USA ISMIP6 workshop during IGS symposium 2015 This meeting will focus on one of the components of ISMIP6: the standalone ice sheet models driven offline by surface climatic forcing from climate models. Past efforts, such as SeaRISE and ice2sea, have indicated that different methods for initialization of ice sheet models (interglacial spinup, assimilation of present day observations, or a combination of both) may play an important role in the spread in projection of ice sheet evolution, and thus may contribute to the uncertainty in projection of sea level. ISMIP6 is therefore designing an experiment that focuses on the initialization of ice sheet models. When: 19 August 2015, 14:00 – 17:30h Where: Churchill College, Cambridge, UK ISMIP6 splinter meeting at EGU General Assembly 2015 The first intercomparison exercise within ISMIP6, which will focus on standalone ice sheet model initialisation is opening soon for participation. We are therefore organising a splinter meeting at the upcoming EGU General Assembly 2015 in Vienna to present and discuss the experimental set-up with the community of ice sheet modellers. When: 15 April 2015, 19:00h - 20:00h Where: Vienna, Austria Ice Sheet MIP for CMIP6 Meeting The meeting goal is to develop an Ice Sheet MIP proposal for participation in the CMIP6 initiative. The kickoff meeting where it all started. When: 16-18th July, 2014 Where: NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA